Adiprem / General Information / Aims

The main aims of the association may be summarized as follows:

To represent, promote and defend the interests of the sector at both public and private level, strengthening its competitiveness and fomenting its development.

To establish and facilitate the organization of services that are of common interest to its members in areas such as training, technical information or any other issue relating to the sector. 

To promote and defend the image of the sector as regards its users, Public Administration and society at large.

To carry out any action, service or transaction that may be deemed necessary for the defence of the rights and legitimate interests of the association and its members.

Adiprem · Asociación Empresarial para la Salud, la Nutrición y el Bienestar Animal
(Association for Animal Health, Nutrition and Welfare)

Avinguda Diagonal nº 601, 8ª planta - 08028 Barcelona
Tel. (34) 93 270 12 86 | E-mail:

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