Adiprem / Activities / Organization of Events / Adiprem 10th Anniversary
Technical Symposium about Veterinary Medicines, March 2009

ADIPREM 10th anniversary was celebrated on the 6th march of 2009, in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, with the presence of more than a hundred technicians and businesspeople related to the veterinary medicines sector.  The event consisted in a Technical Symposium about Veterinary Medicines with the participation of several speakers from different organisms: UAB, EMEA and AEMPS. The General Subdirectress of the Veterinary Medicine presided over the round table. Finally, the event closed with some words from the President of ADIPREM, D. Juan Maymó.

Downloadable files

Advantages and disadvantages of PK/PD analysis to evaluate efficacy of antibacterial medicines in veterinary use, D. Carles Cristòfol, UAB

EMEA/CVMP activities related to Antimicrobials, Dª Cristina Muñoz, EMEA

GMP for active pharmaceutical ingredients employed in veterinary medicines: how to ensure its fulfillment

Decentralized procedures, Dª Carmen Sánchez, AEMPS

Current situation of veterinary pharmacovigilance in Spain, D. Ramiro Casimiro, AEMPS

Article on 10th Anniversary Technical Conference ADIPREM, published in Albéitar magazine
Adiprem · Asociación Empresarial para la Salud, la Nutrición y el Bienestar Animal
(Association for Animal Health, Nutrition and Welfare)

Avinguda Diagonal nº 601, 8ª planta - 08028 Barcelona
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